strawberry neapolean bites

The other day I catered appetizers and small bites for a client. I had an assortment of savory items, but wanted something sweet to add to the mix. When I first started my menu planning, the weather was beautiful outside so I was thinking more summery or light desserts. I had the idea of making Napoleon bites thinking it would be a perfect spring dessert. It was a scrumptious dessert though the weather did not cooperate. Instead of sunshine the night of the event was filled with blowing snow. It was crazy.

Even though the weather didn’t cooperate the dessert bites were a success. They turned out better than I had originally envisioned and I think they will be making more appearances at my spring and summer gatherings. They could also be easily adapted based on your favorite flavors…lemon and blueberry, chocolate and raspberry…what would your favorite be?

Strawberry Napoleon Bites

Puff Pastry, thawed and cut into 36 squares per sheet (or desired size)
1 box instant vanilla pudding
1 cup cold milk
1 small container of whipped topping
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
strawberries cut in half
chocolate ganache
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

Arrange the puff pastry on a sheet pan making sure they have enough space between each other. Bake for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Cool on a wire rack.

Combine pudding mix with 1 cup of cold milk. Whisk for 2 minutes until the pudding begins to thicken. Fold in the whipped topping and vanilla. Refrigerate until ready to use.

To assemble:
Put pudding mixture into a piping bag or large zip-top bag with corner cut. Pipe a dollop of pudding mixture onto each pastry square. Top the pudding with a strawberry half. Drizzle with chocolate ganache.

These are best assembled just before serving but everything can be prepped well in advance.