I have another great gluten free Mexican dish that I will share next week. Before I shared that with you, I wanted share with you some of my new favorite things. I know this is a departure from my normal format, but sometimes you want to share your new “finds.” I’m not sure whether you care or not, but hey it is my blog and I decided I liked these items so much I should share them with you. Note: I was not compensated for mentioning any of the items on this list. Also, the images should be a link to a place where you can buy or download the item mentioned.

Silicone Ice Pop Maker Set

I saw this on the 100 Days of Real Food blog and thought it was a great idea. The boys have loved using them to take frozen smoothies (which defrost by lunchtime) in their lunches. I have to stay on the ball and keep them frozen but they are great. I think I will be investing in another set soon.



I will confess that I just downloaded this app, but have such high hopes for it. I have tubs and tubs of artwork from over the years. I have always thought it would be great to photograph the art and then put together a book or larger art piece but have never taken the time. This app seems easy to use and I can easily share with friends and family. My fingers are crossed this is what I have been looking for to help me archive the kid’s creations.

Pamela’s Pancake and Baking Mix

I have never been the kind of girl that grabs a baking mix. I honestly have been one to turn my nose up at Bisquick but since going Gluten-Free this mix has been a life-savor. I am learning to use it as I would flour. Until I get more confident and start making my own flour mix, this is the mix for me. I made some pretty awesome cookies this week by substituting the flour for this baking mix. Even my “gluten-loving son”, William thought they were awesome. Score!  By the way, it seems to be cheaper to buy online than to purchase at a store. The website for the product also has lots of recipes.

Sur la Table Platinum Professional Muffin pans

I am a sucker for kitchen stores and fell in love with Sur la Table when Jeffrey and I went to San Francisco. I was quite delighted when one opened not to far from my house. Last spring I upgraded my mini muffin pan for one of theirs and loved it. I decided after using it that I would soon be upgrading all of my pans. I recently bought 2 regular sized muffin pans and love them. They are non-stick and bake to perfection. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them!!!!! Bonus?  When you have a catering business you can write off these purchases as equipment for your business.


Grocery iQ

Grocery iQ

This is another app (available for Apple or Android) that is a life-saver. I have lists made up for my deep-freezer, and pantry so I know the items that I have on hand, but I also keep running lists for my favorite stores. This way when I am running in to Costco or Trader Joe’s I know exactly what I need. It is also a handy app because I can share my lists with Jeffrey. If he runs to the store for me, he already has my list with him. It also is helpful when I send him an instant message or text and say what do you want for supper. He can easily look at the app and see what we have on hand. It does take a little work if you want to inventory your food but it has definitely been worth it in my book and honestly I have done a pretty good job of keeping it up to date.

I hope you have enjoyed reading about some of the items that I have come to love. They make my life much easier and help when things get hectic. What are some of your favorite things?